Friday 15 August 2014

Consumer Dietetic Foods

Diet foods are not only those who seek to make weight loss a person but many times are indicated by health professionals to contribute to a correct and balanced diet.

Consumer dietetic foods main purpose is satisfy totally or partially the dietary needs of people whose capacity to ingest, Digest, absorb, metabolism or excrete ordinary foods or certain nutrients is limited, or poor, or altered, whose dietary treatment cannot be done only by modifying the normal diet, with other foods for a special power, or by both.

Foods that speed up metabolism:

Generally bitter-tasting foods accelerate liver function this body has the responsibility of eliminating toxins from the blood including fats, so that if this body does not have a good performance the toxins accumulate in the body.

Food most common acting under the bitter principle

Green tea, grapefruit, matte, mauve or horehound, pure red tea, hemispherical.

Satiety foods:

Satiety foods work differently, either because they increase their volume once they are ingested and which decrease appetite in the brain. Those who increase their volume to be ingested include:

Algae in general, since these have great capacity to absorb water, on the other hand its sodium content stimulates the intake of water, water is very important given the need to remove the appetite

Chia seed, this absorbs almost 20 times its volume in water by what its size is increased by an important way in the stomach.

The carrot and celery are also satiety and regulate appetite in the brain.

The digestive food:

Foods rich in fiber help improve digestion, cleaning the digestive tract in its way, this helps bowel work better and not follow absorbing fat residues that are stuck on it.

In general fruits vegetables and cereals are digestive food, over all the plum.

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